Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Lenovo G580 (LA-7981P) Laptop Power On & Off Problem 

Laptop Model: Lenovo G580

Version Number: LA-7981P

Fault :Laptop Power On & Off Problem

Maintenance Process:


The bare board is powered on for 0.8 seconds, powered off for 0.2 seconds and restarted. As everyone knows, this fault is caused by the disconnection of pin 10 VRMP power supply CPU_B+ of the CPU power supply chip NCP6132.

After measuring that CPU_B+ is not disconnected, we soldered PR929 and tested 0.8 after power-on without powering down and restarting. I was secretly happy. I thought the repair was over, but misfortunes never come singly.


The code did not run after installing the memory and powering it on.

After repeated testing, the current sometimes stops at around 0.5. Because I have repaired several boards before, the current is probably still very clear. After lazy flashing two BIOSes, there was no result, so I went straight to PLT_RST#.


The actual measurement on the network card interface is low level, and it can be inferred according to the timing diagram.

The bridge needs to get the SYS_PWROK (VR READY) PCH to generate PLT_RST. Follow the source of SYS_PWROK and send it out from the gate circuit of U15.

The measured VGATE of pin 1 is low level, PCH_PWROK of pin 2 is high, pin 5+3VS is normal, and SYS_PWROK of pin 4 is low. It is obvious that the fault is here.

VGATE is sent by the CPU power supply chip NCP6132. Changing the chip has no effect. I removed U15, connected pins 2 and 4, and successfully ran the code and turned on the computer.

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