Saturday, October 7, 2023

Lenovo 700S-14ISK Laptop Does Not Turn On

Laptop Model: Lenovo 700S-14ISK

Fault: Does Not Turn On

Repair Process:


Remove the motherboard as shown in the figure:

I measured the resistance on the motherboard, and it was indeed not easy.

Since it is a new Laptop, there is no reference to any chip information or drawings, so I can only measure it myself.

After measurement, it is tentatively determined that the two chips in the picture below are damaged.

After ordering the chip, it will arrive.

The chip is installed and the resistance is normal.

After the chip was installed, the resistance value was normal. After powering on, the display showed for a moment, and then it stopped turning on. After disassembly and measurement, it was found that the replacement chip had been burned out.

After time and careful investigation, the problematic areas were finally found and eliminated. This time, several burned out chips were bought back, installed and turned on, and the voltage was measured to be normal.

During the test, a problem was discovered. As soon as the screen cable was plugged in and the phone was turned on, the power would drop. If the screen cable was moved to a certain angle, the display would be normal without power loss.

The screen was eliminated through substitution. If the screen was moved even slightly, the power would be lost and shut down.


It is judged that the screen cable may have been burned out. Send a new screen cable and install it to eliminate the fault.

It took a bunch of replacement parts to fix the machine.

Install it and enter the system for testing.

Happy Repairing !!

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